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Startup - Mumm鹿沐

Mumm, the sportswear startup business co-founded by me and my friend. In this startup, I built up a main website to manage 10+ other websites. In a short period of time, we attracted over 10000 followers on the platform. By analyzing the backend of the main website, I also know the trend and orders in one season and provide business and data analysis work.


The mission of Mumm鹿沐 is to share resources and have a positive impact on society. We embrace different races and different body shapes. Mumm鹿沐 provides a complete shipping system and the concept of fashion. Moreover, We provide an eco-friendly bio package.


With my programming skills, I built up the main website to connect with 10+ websites. Each website is managed by an Instagrammer. These websites were released on Feb. 21, 2022. In three days, they received 10000+ followers.


Social Media

Other than the website, I am also responsible for managing an official Instagram account. My responsibility includes analyzing the trend, reaching out to potential customers, and promoting the brand. In addition, we also hire professional photographer and pay great attention to the visual design.

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Website Back End

The following images show the back end interface of the website that I built and designed. From the back end I am able to control all the orders from different customers, including the quality and quantity of the products. Besides, I can monitor the current status of the order, this feature allows us to have real-time information ready for the customers.

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You can see that we focus on visual and interioir design. We decorate with comfy color and comfortable furniture, allowing us to take style-aligned photos with our partners.
Also, our office is a photo studio, providing with rental service. The rental fee is charged per hour. We accomplished 80% booking rate in the beginning of the month. Everyone can shoot their products once they book and pay for the studio.


Office live tour:


Check out our manufacturing process and design drawings. As you can see in the pictures, we design our products for different body shapes. Moreover, with professional patented technology, our products are aesthetic, kinematic, and eco-friendly.

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